Head Teacher Mrs H Lowe (DSL) (Senior Mental Health Lead)
Deputy Head Teacher and Inclusion Manager Mrs A Unsworth (DSL)
SENDCo Mrs K Doogan
School Business Manager Mrs H Mall
Office Administrator Mrs K Bennett
Office Administrator Mrs R Agar
Reception Miss T Christie  (EYFS Lead)
Year One  Mrs Farren
Year Two  Miss R Lester 
Year Three  Mrs A Stapleton /Mrs L Stoves
Year Four  Mrs K Doogan/Mrs Unsworth
Year Five  Mrs R Sheffield (DSL)
Year Six  Mr N Greaves 
Teaching Cover Mrs S Mund and Mrs S Grassick
Teaching Assistants  
EYFS Miss K Hodge
KS1 1:1 Support Miss M. Holt and Mrs E. Burton
KS1 Mrs S Smith
KS2 Mrs E Jones
KS2 Mrs M Smalling
KS2 Mrs S Weller
Building Site Manager Mr D Elwell
Building Site Assistant Mr M Agar
Catering Manager Mrs A Holt
Lunchtime Supervisors Mrs Patel, Miss Holt, Mrs Bolt, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Sameem

The best you can be in all that you do

Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.



Head Teacher Mrs H Lowe (DSL) (Senior Mental Health Lead)
Deputy Head Teacher and Inclusion Manager Mrs A Unsworth (DSL)
SENDCo Mrs K Doogan
School Business Manager Mrs H Mall
Office Administrator Mrs K Bennett
Office Administrator Mrs R Agar
Reception Miss T Christie  (EYFS Lead)
Year One  Mrs Farren
Year Two  Miss R Lester 
Year Three  Mrs A Stapleton /Mrs L Stoves
Year Four  Mrs K Doogan/Mrs Unsworth
Year Five  Mrs R Sheffield (DSL)
Year Six  Mr N Greaves 
Teaching Cover Mrs S Mund and Mrs S Grassick
Teaching Assistants  
EYFS Miss K Hodge
KS1 1:1 Support Miss M. Holt and Mrs E. Burton
KS1 Mrs S Smith
KS2 Mrs E Jones
KS2 Mrs M Smalling
KS2 Mrs S Weller
Building Site Manager Mr D Elwell
Building Site Assistant Mr M Agar
Catering Manager Mrs A Holt
Lunchtime Supervisors Mrs Patel, Miss Holt, Mrs Bolt, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Sameem

The best you can be in all that you do

Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.