Safe, Mindful, Accepting, Resilient, Together


Our Characteristics of Learning

Happy Healthy Me


Creative Thinkers


Good Citizens

The Penns 'characteristics of learning' are interwoven into our curriculum from Eyfs to Y6.  They are used to describe behaviours that children use to learn.  To learn well, children must approach opportunities with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm.  Effective learning must be meaningful to a child so that they are able to use what they have learned and apply it in new situations.  These abilities and attitudes of strong learners will support them to learn well and make good progress in all the areas of learning and development.


Penns Primary serves a richly diverse community, and we take our responsibility to promote community cohesion, cultural capital, diversity to generate a respect for difference and individual rights seriously.

A key part of our plan is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background. This ensures young people understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

British Values are:

  • democracy,
  • the rule of law,
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.

Pupils are expected to learn:

  • an understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process, by applying for positions in school such as House Captains and Librarians, Peer Mediators and Play Leaders.
  • an understanding that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law
  • an acceptance that people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour through our RE curriculum
  • an understanding of the importance of identifying and combating discrimination through pupil voice.

Examples of how we promote British values include:


  • Ensuring that our children develop knowledge of, and respect for, public institutions and services, eg. visits to/from Police, Fire Service.
  • Teaching our children how they can influence decision making through the democratic process through class voting, assemblies and activities during times of elections (local/general).
  • Pupils have further opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council. The elections of School Council, Head Boy and Girl and are the result of pupil votes and all of these groups canvas the opinions of their peers.


  • Ensuring school rules are clear and fair, eg. through our consistent Behaviour policy.
  • Helping children to distinguish right from wrong,
  • Promoting respect for the law and the basis on which it is made, eg. through visitors such as PCSOs, Police, and MP into school.
  • Helping children to understand that living under the rule of law protects individuals, eg. through our RE curriculum and visitors.


  • Encouraging and supporting pupils in developing their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence through our ethos, our way of treating people, investing in meeting the needs of all children, providing equality of opportunity, and understanding the needs of all children.
  • Encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour as well as knowing their rights, through linking rights with responsibilities and having a fair and consistent Behaviour Policy.
  • Challenging stereotypes with welcoming visitors into school to talk about disability awareness, anti-racism and a high profile anti–bullying week.
  • Implementing a strong anti-bullying culture. Penns Primary is a KiVa school


  • Promoting respect for individual differences through our ethos, RE curriculum, and also through Assemblies as well as our everyday language.
  • Helping children to understand and respect their own and other cultures and ways of life, through RE, Geography, International Links.
  • Discussing and celebrating the differences between people such as differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and different family situations such as being a looked after child or a young carer.


*Our values and characteristics of learning logo was developed and designed by Katie Ward of Erdington (supporting the community)

What does British Values look like at Penns?

What British Values Look Like.pdf .pdf
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.