Reception Pupils 2025 Admissions (see letter below)


No data

 An In Year Admissions Form can be downloaded here.

Using data from the national school census, which has been provided by the Department for Education and the Office for National Statistics, we have created catchment area indicators for schools in England. By explaining what we have done and how, this post allows you to interpret our catchment maps.

We have two styles of catchment area indicator that can be used either individually or together; coloured circles show the concentration of the most recent intake of pupils around the school, whilst area shading shows the neighbourhoods these children live in. For some schools, we also show the last distance offered obtained from local authorities.
In 2021, 78% of applicants who put Penns Primary as their first choice received an offer, or put another way there were 29% more applications than places.
No data

The new School Admissions Code 

Admission for Pupils September 2025

  • Parents contact the school directly.
  • An application form will be forwarded to parents or can be downloaded here. Please print and complete the form and return it to school with acceptable proof of address.
  • If the class is full and no places are available, on receipt of the application form the child’s details are added to the waiting list and the criteria (see below) for admissions is taken into consideration.  
  • We will hold your child's name on the waiting list until the end of the school year. Should you wish to remain on the waiting list please complete another application form and return to school with proof of address after September 1st
  • Once notified of an available place we would like parent/carers to:
  • Make appointment to view the school.
  • Once a decision is made to transfer, a start date is fixed. Details and records from the previous school will be forwarded to Penns. 


 Criteria for Admissions

  • Children with a statement of special educational needs will have their needs considered by the Special Educational Needs Assessment Service (SENAR) in consultation with parents and the governing body.
  • Children looked after by the local authority
  • Children with brothers or sisters already in school who will still be on roll at the time the sibling enters school.
  • Children who live nearest to the school by straight - line measurement accorded the higher priority. 



Birmingham's DRAFT Fair Access Protocol 2024

No data
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.

Reception Pupils 2025 Admissions (see letter below)


No data

 An In Year Admissions Form can be downloaded here.

Using data from the national school census, which has been provided by the Department for Education and the Office for National Statistics, we have created catchment area indicators for schools in England. By explaining what we have done and how, this post allows you to interpret our catchment maps.

We have two styles of catchment area indicator that can be used either individually or together; coloured circles show the concentration of the most recent intake of pupils around the school, whilst area shading shows the neighbourhoods these children live in. For some schools, we also show the last distance offered obtained from local authorities.
In 2021, 78% of applicants who put Penns Primary as their first choice received an offer, or put another way there were 29% more applications than places.
No data

The new School Admissions Code 

Admission for Pupils September 2025

  • Parents contact the school directly.
  • An application form will be forwarded to parents or can be downloaded here. Please print and complete the form and return it to school with acceptable proof of address.
  • If the class is full and no places are available, on receipt of the application form the child’s details are added to the waiting list and the criteria (see below) for admissions is taken into consideration.  
  • We will hold your child's name on the waiting list until the end of the school year. Should you wish to remain on the waiting list please complete another application form and return to school with proof of address after September 1st
  • Once notified of an available place we would like parent/carers to:
  • Make appointment to view the school.
  • Once a decision is made to transfer, a start date is fixed. Details and records from the previous school will be forwarded to Penns. 


 Criteria for Admissions

  • Children with a statement of special educational needs will have their needs considered by the Special Educational Needs Assessment Service (SENAR) in consultation with parents and the governing body.
  • Children looked after by the local authority
  • Children with brothers or sisters already in school who will still be on roll at the time the sibling enters school.
  • Children who live nearest to the school by straight - line measurement accorded the higher priority. 



Birmingham's DRAFT Fair Access Protocol 2024

No data
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid.  In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.
Our Water Cooler is from AquAid Here at Penns Primary we installed a water cooler from aquaid. In doing so, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant pump in Africa.